Skin: F-IN01 TS3 default replacement FULL FAMILY v2 by Navetsea
Hair: Skysims hair 018 Retextures by Lotus
Eyebrows: Female Brows F1 by Simple Life
Lips: 4 Lipglosses ~ Alpha Edited - Sweet Cake Lipgloss by IN3S
Contacts: Oh My Tiffany -an eye set- by escand
3D Eyelash Project by SClub
Chin to neck line by Heiret
-[ Head and Ears--> Chin ]
17 New & Old Facial Cas Sliders bella3lek4
-Jaw Line Width [ Head and Ears --> Jaw ]
Nostril Rotate Sliders by aWT
[ Nose ]
Upper Lip Tip Width by aWT
[ Mouth--> Upper Lip ]
Outer Curve by aWT[ Mouth--> Upper Lip ]
Overlip Curve Slider by whiterider
[ Mouth--> Upper Lip ]
Brow Depth by aWT
[ Eyes ]
Forehead Depth by aWT
[ Head and Ears ]
Animator by Twallan
nraas - MasterController by Twallan
PosePlayer by cmomoney
Pose Player Interaction Add-on by Misukisu
Slider Hack by SClub
Girly Poses Set by May
Modelling Pose Pack by Skylar
Big thanks to all creators of all the CC I used to my sims. Feel free to use my sims in your creations, credit is much appreciated.
Skin: Face- In revised default & non default natural realistic style skin(F-IN TS3 MTSv nondefault) by NavetseaHair: "The Lucky One" - Hair Set for Females (Teen to Elder) by Elexis
Eyebrows: Heavensent - Curved Eyebrows by Elexis
Lips: Dry Lips by IN3S
Contacts: Oh My Tiffany -an eye set- by escand
Default Replacement Freckles and Beauty Marks by Simple Life
Clothes: Mary Gold ~ Office Dress by Anubis360
3D Eyelash Project by SClub
Chin to neck line by Heiret
-[ Head and Ears--> Chin ]
17 New & Old Facial Cas Sliders bella3lek4
-Jaw Line Width [ Head and Ears --> Jaw ]
-Chin Width [ Head and Ears --> Chin ]
-Nose Tip Height [ Nose--> Nosetip ]
Nostril Rotate Sliders by aWT
[ Nose ]
Outer Curve by aWT
[ Mouth--> Upper Lip ]
Overlip Curve Slider by whiterider
[ Mouth--> Upper Lip ]
Chin Cleft by TumTum Simiolino
[ Head and Ears --> Chin ]
Other Mods and Poses:
Animator by Twallan
nraas - MasterController by Twallan
PosePlayer by cmomoney
Pose Player Interaction Add-on by Misukisu
Slider Hack by SClub
Basic Fashion Standing Pose Series by Danzxcrd
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